○ Acquiring or disposing of non-core or distressed loans: This service enables clients to manage their loan portfolios. We can do market analysis to identify opportunities for acquiring loans, perform due diligence and assess risk factors and potential returns, ensure your business is in compliance with relevant regulations etc.
○ Commercial due diligence and corporate strategy: This service will help your company make informed decisions relating to transactions, investments etc. We provide this service after understanding your requirements and doing market analysis, financial analysis, evaluating the strategic fit of a potential transaction etc.
○ Using advanced analytics to inform decision-making: We can conduct an assessment to deduce the needs of your business, identify areas where analytics can add value, and gather relevant data from various sources that are in accordance with regulatory requirements. We can also do a compliance risk assessment by analyzing historical data, monitor trends and identify potential risk factors.
○ Valuing an asset or a business: We can help value your asset portfolio or business in general through multiple approaches including market approach, income approach, cost approach, asset- based approach and more such approaches. We do these by gathering relevant information about the asset or business, determine the purpose of the valuation, select the valuation method, evaluate the risks associated and adjust accordingly, perform valuation calculations etc.
○ Vendor assistance and vendor due diligence: This service will help your business assess financial, operational and legal aspects of a potential vendor. We can help with vendor due diligence by analyzing previous financial statements and performance, assess the quality and sustainability of the previous earnings that are reported, evaluate the vendors operational efficiency and capacity, examine contracts, agreements for potential risks and also ensure that the vendor is complying with regulatory requirements.